Buggy turned 5 years old last week. I still can't believe it. She has always seemed grown up that I think she has always seemed older than she is. Even at ages 3 and 4 she was a big help to me. Her height also makes me forget that she is younger than I think she is. But no, she is only 5. Thank you goodness! I don't want her growing up too fast!
Cousins celebrating being 5 years old! |
We celebrated my sweet girl with an annual family party with her cousin who is 3 weeks older. The two of them have celebrated every birthday together. This year we celebrated the family party much earlier than we usually do and this time we celebrated it at her cousin's house. It is usually at our house in late October. This time, we celebrated in early October. Poor Buggy thought we were not including her in the birthday celebration because it really wasn't her birthday, yet. She wondered aloud if her cousins would think to give her presents. I had to assure her that it was a celebration for and for her cousin, and yes, she would receive presents. She had a wonderful time and the weather was perfect. The cousins spent most of their time playing outside and soaking up the sun.
Buggy and friends cheering for the yellow knight |
The weekend before Buggy's birthday I took her and two of her friends to Medieval Times. She has been wanting to go ever since her big brother went earlier this year. I wish we could have invited more people and included her friends' families, but tickets are expensive so it was a little party. The girls had so much fun and I have to admit I did, too. Buggy's eyes went wide when they announced "Princess" with her name during the royal announcements. She whispered, "I'm a princess!" Yes, Sweetheart, you are! The girls cheered for the yellow knight and were most excited to see the jousting. While the yellow knight did not win, he did throw his last carnation to Buggy just after he kissed. It's still sitting on our dining room table, still a brilliant pink. We ended the evening with cupcakes and at our friend's house where we were able to include the rest of the families in the celebration. It was wonderful and fun and Buggy was happy to be with her friends.
The Princess caught the flower from the yellow knight |
We ended the month long celebration on her real birthday, October 22nd. Buggy brought cookies and juice pouches to her preschool for snack. Her teachers made a big deal about how much they think she's grown. She felt special the whole day. We took her out to dinner to our favorite family restaurant. We were joined by my parents and we were waited on by one of my former students. (I'm starting to feel my age when I meet my former elementary and middle school students outside of school and they are waiting on me at a store or restaurant!).
Family photo! |
We ended the evening with opening presents on mommy and daddy's bed where they were waiting for her. Her brothers helped and she "ooooohhhhhed and ahhhhhhhed" over each present. We took a selfie family picture and I reveled in the miracle that is my daughter. She amazes me and I feel so blessed to be able to call her mine. She and her brothers are truly God's gift to me and their father.
I look at my blond haired daughter with her wide blue eyes and I am reminded to find the good in all things and people, to be kind, to be thoughtful, to be grateful, to love, and to be loved. Buggy came at a time in my life when I was struggling with bullies at work, feeling let down, and feeling frustrated with so many things. She is God's reminder to me that even through great challenges, good things can happen. She is the sunshine in my life. She has my heart.
Happy 5th birthday, my sweet Buggy! I love you to the moon and back. Love, Mama
Just Born! |
One is Fun! |
Two is "tu-tu" perfect
Three is thrilling |
"Four" ever Daddy's girl! |
5 is fabulous when Daddy is a super hero! |
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