The Birthday Kids! |
Buggy has been celebrating her birthday for a week. We started with a family celebration a week ago Saturday. We did a joint family birthday party with Buggy's cousin B. They are barely 3 weeks apart in age and have been sharing celebrations since their baptisms.
This year we did a Super Hero themed birthday party. We haven't quite introduced our kids to Super Heroes yet so Buggy wasn't quite sure what to expect. They know of Superman and Batman and but have never seen a movie or cartoon and their only exposure has been from other kids or what we've seen down the aisles in Target.
My sister-in-law was a huge help this year coming up with a game, coming early to help set up, and staying later to clean up. I've been preoccupied with quite a few things recently and I was really grateful for her help. We each had pinatas for the kids to hit, one for the big kids, one for the littler kids. This year we decided not to do a craft and all of the cousins entertained themselves very well by running around the backyard, playing on the swing set, playing the game my sister-in-law created, and playing with random toys around the house.
Gifts were a huge hit and I was thrilled to see that B. loved the super hero cape we had gotten for him. He immediately put it on and ran around the house as we all cheered and laughed. It was neat to see him so excited and watching his cape stream out behind him. It was perfect! The birthday kids looked like they had a good time and so did their 17 other cousins. My poor niece E. broke her arm earlier in the day. She was a trooper and I never heard her complain, though she was more subdued and looked like she was in pain. My nephew M. is healing from his brain injury, but looked a little sad not to be able to run around with the other kids. He still has a few weeks to go before he can resume normal activities and that has to be hard for a tween. We were able to extend the celebration with a sleepover with one of Buggy's cousins. This was a real treat for her and for L. They are just months apart in age and while we've been able to do a few play dates the girls see each other mostly during family gatherings. I hope to make play dates more often with L's family as the girls get along incredibly well.
Trying to get a picture with the Birthday girl. |
Monday, October 22nd was Buggy's actual birthday. Buggy and I went out for manis and pedis and treated our selves to a girls' day. We took it easy and opened presents when Daddy came home from work. Buggy called Lolo and Lola and invited them over dinner and we all went to our favorite family restaurant for dinner and dessert.
This year I decided to do a separate friend party for Buggy. Usually our friends come to the big family gathering, but this year we decided to separate it and give Buggy her unicorn/fairy/rainbow party with her friends. While I don't relish having to plan two parties, bake two cakes, plan two menus, decorate the house twice, and make sure it's super duper clean between the parties, it was really nice to relax with our friends. It was just my best friends and their kids and it's probably the smallest party we have ever hosted for our kids. With just 9 kids and and 7 adults it was totally manageable. I also gave myself a break with the menu and we did pizza. For Buggy's hero party I ordered an ice cream cake, but for the rainbow party I made a cake. It all evened out in the end. I'm usually running around like a mad woman for the parties and this time I was able to sit back and actually have a conversation with my friends. It was like a big play date instead of a party and the kiddos had fun playing together. Definitely low key and perfect.
Rainbow Cake! |
Buggy went for her 4 year old health check up yesterday. She is one happy and healthy kid. The doctor thinks she will be about 5'7"-5'8" when she's done growing. The doctor said she's tall and thin. (The doctor predicted Boogs will be about 5'9"-5'10" when he's done growing). Buggy is growing so quickly and I can't believe she's four years old. I did ask the doctor about Buggy's heart and this year she was scheduled for another cardiology check up.
Buggy was born with 3 small holes in her heart. Her last appointment was when she was two years old. At her two year old cardiology appointment the cardiologist said she doesn't need to be pre-medicated for dentist appointments and she can keep training for the Olympics ;) However, it is always in the back of my mind and it's something I pray about every night when I pray for Buggy. I pray that she continues to be strong and healthy and that her heart stays strong and healthy.
Inside the rainbow cake :) |
The pediatric cardiology nurse called me today to see if we could come in for Buggy's 4 year old heart check up. While I was expecting to make the appointment it's still unnerving. I kept up happy chatter with Buggy as I explained each of the procedures during her appointment, but it's still unnerving. I don't want Buggy to think anything is wrong with her, and really there isn't, but to see my baby girl hooked up and to see the various pictures of her heart is just....um, indescribable. Really. It's terrifying in the sense that I'm always waiting to hear that her condition has worsened. So far, so good. It doesn't sound like the holes have closed and her pediatrician said that the longer the holes are open, the less likely they will close. Because of Hurricane Sandy the pediatric cardiologist did not make it to today's appointment, but will call me tomorrow with the results. So I wait.
But my beautiful Buggy is still a healthy happy little girl. She is a devoted little sister and helpful big sister. She is my right hand and I love the way she tells me she is my best friend and will always be my daughter. I love her heart. I love the way she loves others. I love when she tells me about her "gross spurks" and how things are "ahind" me when I am looking for them. I love how calls our cat "Ebby-ose" because she can't say Berlioz. I love that she loves to go running with me and how she wants to be the Incredible Hulk for Halloween. I love the way she sits next to me on our big chair and half and fingers the blankets while I crochet them for others as if she is bestowing a bit of her own love and prayers for whomever the blanket is made. I love her and I love her heart. We are so blessed to have our sweet Buggy.
Just Born!
Buggy's 1st Birthday |
Buggy's 2nd Birthday! |
Buggy Turns 3! |
My Big Girl is 4! |
I wish blogspot had like buttons. Love this post. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy 4th Birthday. We love her too!