My 3 Loves Enjoying the Beach |
Earlier this month we rented a small townhouse at the beach. It was our first time doing this and we wondered how it would go. We invited my parents to join us because I thought they would really enjoy the week with their grandkids as they have in the past, but they were unable to make it.
Due to a snafu in our directions it took us a whopping 6 hours portal to portal. Ugh! The trip really shouldn't have taken more than 4 hours, but you know. Fortunately, it did not put a damper on our plans. The kids were excited and so were we.
Mr. Bananas on the beach for the first time |
After arriving at our townhouse, we unpacked, let the kids choose their beds, had dinner, and we decided to walk to the beach for a quick look and then search for ice cream. It was the very first time Mr. Bananas has ever been to the beach. It was neat to see his face as his little toes touched sand for the first time. Boogie loved it and couldn't wait to race into the water. It was torture for him not to go into the water. We wouldn't let him because he wasn't wearing his swimsuit.
After a walk around the beach we quickly found ice cream and dug in. Nothing like a soft serve cone with sprinkles at the beach. Yum!
We spent the rest of our vacation on the following schedule: wake up, breakfast, pack for the beach, go to the beach, picnic at the beach, walk home and straight to the community pool (0.4 miles and across a busy but easily crossable highway), swim for a 30 minutes, walk across the parking lot to our home, baths, naps, wake up for dinner, eat dinner, head out to the boardwalk, eat ice cream (I think we hit every ice cream joint on the boardwalk during our one week stay), walk home, put the kids to bed, Hubby and I watch the Olympics, head to bed, and repeat. It was fabulous!
During our vacation I was able to catch up with a dear friend whom I haven't seen in months. It was nice to see her and to catch up. It was nice that we were at the beach at the same time and I'm grateful she was able to meet us on the beach for a day.
Checking out Epito's ipad |
We were also able to spend time with the beloved Epitos. Our friends from our church also have a home at the beach and we rented a home just a few miles from them. We saw each other 3 or 4 times during our vacation and the kids enjoyed spending time with them. We spent an entire day at their beautiful home enjoying brunch, a walk around the neighborhood, and playing games. Boogie and Epita enjoyed a rousing game of Battleship and we found out that Boogie cheats. It was humorous. He would bend down pretending to pick something up off the floor, sidle over and glance at Epita's board. She was very good natured about it.
Boogie and Epita playing Battleship |
The kids loved spending time with the Epitos and we were very fortunate to see them once again at the beach the next day. On our final day at the beach, they spoiled us and provided lunch so that we wouldn't have to stop on the way home. We also came home to find that my mom very graciously organized the kitchen, dining room, family room, front hall, and library. I really, really need to acquire those skills!
We brought home two pets: Goldie and Key Lime. The kids were thrilled with their new hermit crabs, but within a week poor Key Lime decided to leave this world. I think it had to do with how excitedly Buggy shook her when she showed Key Lime to her friends. Oops!
The kiddos enjoying some downtime at the townhouse. |
We had fun and made memories. This is what I love about being a full-time Mom and wife to my family. I was able to focus on them and enjoy every single moment. All in all, it was a pretty fabulous vacation and hope to do it again next year with my favorite people!
Mr. B and Daddy |
Feeling the sand between his toes. |
Chilling at the townhouse
Boogie reading his new animal book at the townhouse.
Mr. B. checking out the sand for the first time.
Checking out the beach in the sunshine
Beach Babe
Boogie very rarely joined us on the sand. He was on the go and loved the beach! |
How every trip to the beach should end! |
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