Thursday, January 19, 2012


Well the general consensus is that now is not my time to be on these committees.  Pretty much I have "sucker" written on my forehead.

Seriously, just last week I  put in my notice that I would not be returning to my Publicity Team Leader position next year. And probably within days I was sent the e-mail about starting a Mom's group with my parish. When Hubby heard about my e-mail he just laughed.  "Maybe God is testing you to make sure you stay with your New Year's Resolution of just saying no."  He asked if I had committed to it in a prior conversation. The answer is no(ish). I remember being told about it. I remember having a conversation about adding my two cents, but I don't remember being flat asked to help with the groundwork.  I'm sure that I gave some general answer of, "yeah, yeah, sure, sure. I can tell you how we currently organize my MOPS group." I'm sure that answer sealed my fate of being on the ground floor. *sigh*

However, I have not committed to it and I will find a way to say, "Not right now." I just haven't done it yet. So not a complete fail...but not a pass either.  A friend wrote that failing at saying no is what makes me the sucker. Yup, pretty much. Another also said for every one I say no to 10 more will pop up. Yes, very true. Just because I say no in this season of my life, does not mean that I will always say no or that good opportunities will pass me by.  Good to remember. Oh, and I already have 4 gifts. Yes, they are my most precious gifts.

So I have to keep all of that in mind.

Oh by the way...I just asked if I can volunteer in my son's kindergarten classroom.  Doh! But I have always wanted to do this since I've been a stay at home mom.  Fortunately, there isn't any pressure to do so and the teacher is kind of "whatever" about it in a good way. He did ask how I would have the time as he looked pointedly at my two other children.  I think it was his nice way of saying, "Don't worry about it, we're good. But if you can do it, yes, we'll use you." I just want to do it at least once while he's in kindergarten :)

Thanks for all the input. You all are the best!

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